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Matt Gower. Artist, Writer, Producer

I started my art at a young age, always drawing or writing whenever I found myself alone or in need to get away, mentally.  I find my art and storytelling are ways of expressing not only my feelings but also how I cope with everything life throws at you.  I guess its my form of escapism and through my work I will always be free and at peace.  I am luckily married to a fantastic and patient wife and currently with two wonderful but mischievous boys who are also developing their flare for imagination and they will always be the best masterpiece's I've helped to create.
I've always loved art and writing, my parents tried to push me towards them wherever possible.  It was in 2007 that I finally got the courage to put my hobby to the test first with writing which ended in disaster when my first novel was lost through a computer virus, so I decided to draw and frame some pieces and see if some sold.  Starting first with my digital work I soon drifted back towards getting my hands dirty and getting some paints.


I now paint still as a hobby, pieces for framing or on canvas mostly the pieces are for children but I don't shy from a challenge and will have a crack at anything.  I currently make pieces again as part of my hobby and made this site as a gallery to show my works.  I can however make to order and to a pre - arranged time scale, starting with a rough sketch of the required piece through to the final piece.


I prefer my pieces to be one off's so if you want a piece of work that you've seen then I always apply some differences to give each piece its uniqueness.


Today I still write but mainly short stories and produce the odd art piece but my goal is to spend the majority of my time in creating the types of games that I would like to play and release for everyone else to try if so wish.


I would love to create a buisness combining the creativity of all my passions and draw on the many tallented individuals out in the world but dont get the chance to explore or show just what they are capable of.


I want my vision to be other peoples vision.


Here's to the Future.



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